Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Flower Parade are invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, March 18th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Lori Wall-Holloway



Yellow Zinnia

Brought to life with one seed from

Original plant

After the Storm


Nature’s downpour

inundates the ground

soaking the earth

What the storm tries

to wash away, only

hydrates covered

seeds of spring


Winds blow clouds

into oblivion after

a time of darkness

to unveil a clean sky

The bright sun can now

reveal itself and warm

the land


Slowly growth exposes

crops of color creating

a kaleidoscope of red

yellow, orange and blue

across the countryside


What once was hidden

sprouts into reality

as flowers parade

their beauty, rising

up one by one

They awaken hope

with a fresh start

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