Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Flower Parade are invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, March 18th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Thelma T Reyna





cloud gods got together this morning

coated lapis on ceramic skies

swooshed cotton contrail on distant hills

and disappeared the streak in pines


got sun to slant on hopscotch puddles

holding fast to concrete cracks

mirrors shimmying my steps

sun coaxed from hiding just for me


who stationed birds on this burly arc of oak

this arm that bends close to my path

who posted birds on this fountain by the fence

bubbling invitations to swoop and bathe


who sprayed all these picket fences white

fixed gates and put geraniums by new posts

red flowers to tap me as I pass

recalling I’m the widow down the street


rain and record colds have prisoned me

with books, keyboards, calendars, clocks

but cloud gods popped genie lamps today 

to make this magical world my gift



Originally published in Dearest Papa: A Memoir in Poems

(Golden Foothills Press, 2020).

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