Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Flower Parade are invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, March 18th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Mary Mayer Shapiro

Beauty Pageant

The judges sat in a row

Looking over the contestants

The decisions were hard

There were no flaws among them

The capillary action

Watered the plants

Keeping them


The stems were


Holding the flowers


The colors varied in hues

Appear the same

In each plant

To the naked eye

The shapes varied

According to

The type of


Each flower had their own


Loving, welcoming

Affection it, fickle

The judges could not pick

A single winner

They were all

A ten

A judgment had

To be made

They came to a conclusion

The decision was difficult

They all came

In first

They were voted as

A bouquet of flowers

Be Careful What You Wish For

The little egg was orphan

On a leaf in a garden of flowers

It laid there during the winter Months

Come spring it hatched

Saw itself as a segmented worm With three pairs of true legs

Six pairs of pro legs

With claws to climb the stems

And ate the leaves

Was able to move in a wave like Pattern from back to front

With no bones

Only muscles

With twelve eyes

Arranged in a semi circle

It looked around and saw

Comely flowers

With a sigh

The caterpillar wish that

When grown his appearance Changed and be beautiful

In time the caterpillar

Spun a cocoon

Died inside

With stem cells recreated

Metamorphism took place Emerged as a butterfly

The Monarch was awed

By the transformation

Looked for a mate

Eggs were laid

On stems and leaves

Destiny completed

As the Monarch

ego inflated

A net came over

The captured Monarch

Was place in a frame

Covered with glass

To be admired


Be careful

What you



Flower Garden

The language of flowers

Need not be oral

They represent meanings

Without words.

The entrance to the garden

Lattice trellis was surrounded

By Starwort and Wisteria

Welcoming all

Going down the path are flowers signifying love

Jasmine, Gardenia Carnation, Red Roses, Myrtle Nasturtium, Tulip

The childhood flowers of

White Lilly, Buttercup, Primroses

brings tranquility of Stonecrop with remembrance of Rosemary

Periwinkle tender recollections

The Quince of temptation

The courage of Protea

The good cheer of Poinsettia

Line the path

On exiting the appeals

Of For-get-me not

Farewell from Michaelmas Daisy

Think of me pleads the Pansy

Just outside the exit

Is your destiny

A reminder from the


The language of flowers

Need not be oral

They represent meanings

Without words.

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CLS Sandoval

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