Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Flower Parade are invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, March 18th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

linda m crate

a parade of flowers

i want to dance through

a field of wildflowers,

it can be a parade of blooming

flowers of all shapes and sizes

and colors;


getting lost in the fragrance

and beauty of all the hues


we could take a thousand pictures


that wouldn't capture the true

beauty of the scene—


& it's such a lovely thought to me

to be surrounded by flowers

of every variety possible because

each of them are lovely,


and the promise of something new as

they spill their seeds upon the ground


so new blooms and new generations

can know the beauty that still exists

in this world;


and this is the place i want to

wander for as long as i am able.


you might actually find me everywhere

i have heard that audio on tiktok

saying "when i die don't look for me

in sunsets" and then they show where

to look for them,


but you'll have a hard time finding me

as i always had a hard time sitting still;


maybe one day i will be with the sunsets

and another day in a library full of books

old and new—


maybe i will be in a parade float full of flowers

or wildflowers growing in some obscure



you might find me in a moonbeam or the song

of a crow or in their midnight feathers;


you might find me in a poem or a short story

or a fantasy novel or in some glittering

arrangement of jewelry or piece of art—


you might find me dancing in the creek with

the crows circling me overhead


or dancing in the staircase of some forgotten

house covered in ivy and moss,

you might actually find me everywhere all at once.


they might find i am no longer there

i love flowers,

we should shower the

people we love with

seeds and blossoms of their

favorite flowers while

they're yet living;


don't wait until i am dead to give

me flowers


i want them now—


and while i can buy flowers

of my own,


sometimes it hurts to think

no one considers that i might want

a sprig of beauty to enchant me

in my home;


flowers aren't just for your romantic partners—


i wish friendship were more celebrated

and appreciated because if i have one more

friend take me for granted they might find

i am no longer there.

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